Food diary


Assalamualaikum, hello.

I am back at the comfort of my house, lying lazily on my bed as i am writing this.

Ipoh mali
Not really.

Since i am trying to watch my food intake and start eating clean again, i've decided to use this dull blog of mine as a food diary. So from now on i'm gonna put down pictures of what i ate throughout the day before i go do bed to see how i'm doing for the day. 

Sounds okay to me. It's my blog anyway so i can do whatever i want with it,  but err I have a feeling that this didn't last long so let's just do it for the sake of trying and for fun since i have some spare time to blog now. hehe

So for breakfast I had three sausages and two nuggets

is what i had for lunch. I managed to make this before my class and it just took about 20 minutes to prepare.

I had noodle soup for dinner (trying to be healthy here remember) but this soup is nowhere near healthy. It's so rich and very berlemak but sooo good. Tak menyesal.


These food are not healthy, but I'll start tomorrow. I promise.

Till then, xx

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